UNISIG’s intention is to standardise the interface between the national train protection systems and ETCS to simplify the integration and roll out of ETCS for train manu-facturers, ETCS suppliers, and suppliers of national train protection systems such as Mors Smitt.
Mors Smitt have been working with Network Rail to ensure our TPWS is ready for the roll out of Isolated Speed Limited Authority (ISLA) and Radio Based Limited Supervision (RBLS).
Isolated Speed Limited Authority (ISLA) is a future TPWS development which will provide:
- Line speed supervision
- Temporary Speed Restriction (TSR) and Emergency Speed Restriction (ESR) remote deployment and supervision
- Possession boundary control/supervision
- Controlled/supervised moves through possessions
- User Worked Crossing safety enhancements
Radio Based Limited Supervision (RBLS) is a future development which will provide:
- Signal aspect supervision
- Continuous supervision benefits at significantly lower cost than ETCS
- Relatively quick and low-cost vehicle installation compared to ETCS
- Quicker rollout due to minimal driver training, as based on familiar TPWS control panel