Ostatní průmysl

  • 6RA11 Self Reset Auxiliary Flag Relay

    Funkce Low burden Self reset contacts Hand reset flag indicator 6 contacts - specify M or B Draw out case Equivalent function to MVAA11 6RM202 specification Aplikace The operating element for the 6R MATRIX Auxiliary Relay functional elements are designated 6RM & are based on our 6R Series relays. The type 6RA Series elements are low burden auxiliary relays which can be used where a scheme demands several contacts for…
  • 6RA13 Hand Reset Auxiliary Flag Relay

    Funkce Low burden Hand reset contacts & flag 6 contacts - specify M or B Draw out case Equivalent function to MVAA13 6RM206 specification Aplikace The operating element for the 6R MATRIX Auxiliary Relay functional elements aredesignated 6RM & are based on our 6RSeries relays. The type 6RA Series elements are lowburden auxiliary relays which can be usedwhere a scheme demands severalcontacts for event recording, alarminitiation, contact logic arrangements, etc.…
  • 6RA15 Hand / Electrical Reset Auxiliary Flag Relay

    Funkce Low burden Hand reset contacts Electrical reset contacts Hand reset flag indicator 6 contacts - specify M or B Draw out case Equivalent function to MVAA15 6RM211 specification Aplikace The operating element for the 6R MATRIX Auxiliary Relay functional elements aredesignated 6RM & are based on our 6RSeries relays. The type 6RA Series elements are lowburden auxiliary relays which can be usedwhere a scheme demands severalcontacts for event recording,…
  • 6RA20 Zkratovací relé tranformátorů proudu

    Zkratovací relé proudových transformátorů 6RA20 je speciální derivace standardního pomocného relé 6R MATRIX. Tato modelová řada byla navržena speciálně pro zkratování transformátorů proudu. Všechny verze relé jsou dodávány vybaveny silnými kontakty pro dosažení vysokonapěťové izolace napříč otevřenými kontakty a vysokým krátkodobým přenosovým proudem. Kontakty jsou vyrobeny ze stříbra, tvarované a umístěné tak, aby zajistily velmi spolehlivý provoz s nízkým odporem. Při pohybu kontaktů během každé operace dochází k utírání, které zajišťuje samočistící efekt. Verze s…
  • 6RA21 Self Reset Auxiliary Flag Relay – Two Element

    Funkce Low burden Self reset contacts Hand reset flag indicator 6 contacts - specify M or B Draw out case Two elements in one case Equivalent function to MVAA21 6RM202 specification Aplikace The operating element for the 6R MATRIX Auxiliary Relay functional elements are designated 6RM & are based on our 6R Series relays. The type 6RA Series elements are low burden auxiliary relays which can be used where a…
  • 6RA23 Hand Reset Auxiliary Flag Relay – Two Element

    Funkce Low burden Hand reset contacts & flag 6 contacts - specify M or B Draw out case Two elements in one case Equivalent function to MVAA23 6RM206 specification Aplikace The operating element for the 6R MATRIX Auxiliary Relay functional elements aredesignated 6RM & are based on our 6R Series relays. The type 6RA Series elements are lowburden auxiliary relays which can be usedwhere a scheme demands severalcontacts for event…
  • 6RJ11 Low Burden Self Reset Vysokorychlostní vypínací relé

    Funkce High speed operation Low burden Self reset contacts Hand reset flag indicator 5 or 10 contacts Equivalent function to MVAJ11 2HSM502 specification Aplikace The effect of a fault on a power system is dependent on the speed with which the fault can be detected & isolated. The 6RJ Series multi-contact high-speed trip relays are used for this isolating function roviding simultaneous tripping outputs. A high speed coil provides fast…
  • 6RJ13 Low Burden Hand Reset Trip & Lock Out Relay

    Funkce High speed operation Low burden Hand reset contacts & flag 5 or 10 contacts Equivalent function to MVAJ13 2HSM504 specification Aplikace The effect of a fault on a power system is dependent on the speed with which the fault can be detected & isolated. The 6RJ Series multi-contact high-speed trip relays are used for this isolating function providing simultaneous tripping outputs. A high speed coil provides fast operation.
  • 6RJ14 Low Burden Electrical Reset Trip & Lockout Relay

    Funkce High speed operation Low burden Electrical reset contacts Independent hand reset flag 5 or 10 contacts 2HSM506 specification Aplikace The effect of a fault on a power system is dependent on the speed with which the fault can be detected & isolated. The 6RJ Series multi-contact high-speed trip relays are used for this isolating function providing simultaneous tripping outputs. A high speed coil provides fast operation.
  • 6RJ15 Low Burden Hand / Electrical Reset Trip & Lockout Relay

    Funkce High speed operation Low burden Hand & electrical reset contacts Independent hand reset flag 5 or 10 contacts Equivalent function to MVAJ15 2HSM509 specification Aplikace The effect of a fault on a power system is dependent on the speed with which the fault can be detected & isolated. The 6RJ Series multi-contact high-speed trip relays are used for this isolating function providing simultaneous tripping outputs.
  • 6RJ21 vysokorychlostní vypínací relé

    The 6RJ21 is a high burden self reset tripping relay suitable for applicationin high security circuit breaker tripping circuits & in particular where theinitiating contact may be remote from the relay. The high burden mayalso allow the satisfactory operation of external series elements. The 6RJ21 has a high burden to provide immunity to capacitancedischarge currents. Power to the coil is economized to a low figure toprovide thermal protection. High burden…
  • 6RJ21-20 vysokorychlostní vypínací relé

    The 6RJ21 is a high burden relay suitable for application in high securitycircuit breaker tripping circuits & in particular where the initiatingcontact may be remote from the relay. The high burden may also allowthe satisfactory operation of external series elements. The 6RJ21 has a high burden to provide immunity to capacitancedischarge currents & power to the coil is cut off at operation or iseconomized to a low figure to provide…
  • 6RJ22 vysokorychlostní vypínací relé

    The 6RJ22 is a high burden self reset high speed tripping relay suitable for application in high security circuit breaker tripping circuits & where the initiating contact may be remote from the relay. The high burden may also allow the satisfactory operation of external series elements. High burden tripping relays are designed to withstand the 10uF capacitor discharge test such that the relay will not operate when a 10uF capacitor…
  • 6RJ23 vysokorychlostní vypínací relé

    The 6RJ23 is a high burden hand reset lock out relay suitable for application in high security circuit breaker tripping circuits & in particular where the initiating contact may be remote from the relay. The high burden may also allow the satisfactory operation of external series elements. The 6RJ23 has a high burden to provide immunity to capacitance discharge currents. Power to the coil is cut off at operation or…
  • 6RJ23-20 vysokorychlostní vypínací relé

    The 6RJ23 is a high burden hand reset lock out relay suitable for application in high security circuit breaker tripping circuits & in particular where the initiating contact may be remote from the relay. The high burden may also allow the satisfactory operation of external series elements. The 6RJ23 has a high burden to provide immunity to capacitance discharge currents & power to the coil is cut off at operation…
  • 6RJ24 High Burden Electrical Reset Trip & Lockout Relay

    Funkce High speed operation High burden Electrical reset contacts Independent hand reset flag 5 or 10 contacts Equivalent function to MVAJ24 2HSM516 specification Aplikace The effect of a fault on a power system is dependent on the speed with which the fault can be detected & isolated. The 6RJ Series multi-contact high-speed trip relays are used for this isolating function roviding simultaneous tripping outputs. A high speed coil provides fast…