Current clamp adapters are developed to be a simple accessory and / or extension to a digital multimeter or other instruments.
These adapters are standard equipped with two connectors for connection to a multimeter and a curled cable for measuring at a distance of the instrument.
By using the same technique as standard current clamps, the current clamp adapters have a completely isolated jaw. This makes it possible to accurately measure higher currents up to 1000A.
In case of using an analyser or data logger, the instruments are designed to store, analyse and display different values. For measuring currents with these Power Analysers several clamp adapters are available. The portfolio of clamp adapters is build up by several different models, each with its own size, range or type of jaw.
The mini adapters have a range of 20 or 200 Amps, Becase of their small size, the adapters can be carried and used easily. The jaw of 15 x 17 mm. can be used for most conductors / cables in a low voltage installation. In case higher currents have to be measured, clamps with a range of 400A and 1000A are available. These adapters can be used for larger conductors of heavy installations or appliances. The jaw is 52mm and therefore easy to use in every application.
Due to lack of room, some applications do not allow the use of a standard jaw of a current clamp adapter. For these situations a flexible clamp is available. The flex clamp has one flexible head, which can be mounted around a conductor easily.
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