Please note that this decision does not impact our other products for industry and railway, which will continue to be available to you as usual. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Company NIF (Netherlands Instrumentation Factory) later became Nieaf-Smitt started in 1900 as one of the first companies in the world with design and manufacturing of instrumentation.
Nieaf-Smitt maritime instruments are designed, engineered and manufactured for bridge, bridge-wing and control/rudder room applications on board of ships. Prime applications such as propulsion, steering and navigation are covered with a wide range of dedicated products.
All are made to the strictest prevailing standards and carry type approval and MED certification (Marine Equipment Directive) for applications such as speed, RPM, rudder angle, pitch and rate of turn.
Seagoing merchant vessels, cruise & ferry lines, naval ships, special work boats, inland shipping and tugs or dredging vessels all are served with specialized instrumentation. Most units are tailored to specific client requirements.
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