About us
Our company is an authorized distributor of Mors Smitt B.V. for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia. We supply all products of Mors Smitt, Nieaf Smitt, Smitt Relays and Nieaf Instruments to the market. We also supply RMS supervision and protection relays.
With Mors Smitt B.V. we have been cooperating for more than 20 years.
Mors Smitt is a company with more than a hundred years of experience in electro technology and has been operating on world markets since 1900. World leader in rail relay technology, electrical components manufacturer for the most demanding industrial applications and Wabtec member. Company values (customer focus, continuous improvement, teamwork, leadership and safety) are what makes us the perfect partner for every business. Mors Smitt is part of the Wabtec Group, a group of companies with a focus on the rail industry. Mors Smitt has been working with major rolling stock manufacturers such as Bombardier, Alstom Transport, Koncar, Stadler, PESA and many others.
Railway technology
Railway’s role in the world continues to grow fast due to economic development, environmental awareness, increasing energy prices, growth in urban population and growing international trade and passenger traffic. The railway world is characterized by a tough and uncompromising working environment.
This is the world in which Mors Smitt has invested best efforts – parts and components that work unquestioningly, offer long effective life and low lifecycle cost. Mors Smitt is a global supplier for all the world’s train builders and railway operators and is proud of its installed base of more than 10 million relays.
For the rolling stock sector (railway vehicles) The Mors Smitt Group offers solutions for applications such as HVAC control, driver desk equipment and energy measurement. Since rolling stock manufacturers are acting increasingly as system integrators we offer solutions from high dependability components and modules to complete subsystems.
Our offer:
- World’s widest relay range
Protection components
Protection relays
Hall effect sensors
Miniature circuit breakers
Traction energy measuring solution
Integrated electrical solutions
Speedometers and panel indicators
Signalling / infrastructure
The signalling / infrastructure sector is served with systems that ensure factors as full
signal integrity, automatic train protection, energy distribution and control. The Mors Smitt Group also
provides trackside safety with sophisticated test equipment to ensure required system safety and reliability.
Our offer:
Safety critical relays
Signalling relays (N.S1, BR930, B1/B2-types)
Protection components
Retrofit & replacement solutions
Maintenance & test equipment
Industrial technology
The focus in our industrial activities is on safely satisfying the needs of demanding segments such as power generation, petro-chemical and water treatment plants, mining, shipbuilding and installation and building automation.
For decades these industries have been growing and changing for many reasons: economic growth in developing countries, focus on environmental friendly power generation and fail safe operation, ongoing upgrading, modernization and technical refinement, worldwide international trade boosting the shipbuilding industry.
Business interrupts in these segments are not an option and the need for ultra-reliable proven products and solutions is mandatory.
Mors Smitt has been recognized for decades as supplier of dependable products and services in these industrial segments. In several geographical areas in the world a trusted and dominant market position has been achieved.
Industry |
Installation |
Maritime |